God has layed upon my heart to share what I am learning while dealing with infertility and the road to becomming a mommy. More than anything, He has taught me that I am blessed. A favorite song says: I am blessed, I am blessed From when I rise up in the morning Til I lay my head to rest I feel You near me You sooth me when I'm weary Oh Lord, for all the worst and all the best I am blessed. My hope is that you realize that you are blessed.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm Back! As you may know, Chad sells quite a bit on ebay and since he was off I did not get time on the computer. I loved the time with him since my job had very limited hours for the last two weeks.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We certainly did. I love this time of year! I love spending the extra time with my family and being reminded of the greatest gift that anyone ever received. God's everlasting love, His ultimate sacrifice, and His unfailing grace. Can we ever truly comprehend His love for us. Those of you who are parents I'm sure can understand the love and joy that He finds in us, the pleasure He feels when we spend time with Him, and the unconditional love that He demonstrates each day. But is that even an inch of what He feels for us? Somehow, I do not think so. Lord, thank you for loving me even when I forget to "call", am to busy to spend time with you, want things that I do not need, and say or do things that do not reflect you.

This Christmas, I wanted only one thing. To be pregnant. In fact, I had it all figured out. I was late starting and my plan was to take the test Christmas morning. Even though I did not take any fertility drugs nor did we do insemination, I was sure that God would show how big He is. What a wonderful testimony that would be! If the test was positive, I was going to wrap up the test and when all of my family and Chad's parents were at our house for Christmas I would give it to him. Can you imagine the joy that would be in the house that day? It was negative. Immediately, the tears came. Yes, my heart was breaking. But, with every tear came the knowledge that God did not need to make me pregnant to show how big He is. He had already done that by sending His son, His infant son, to be born in a stable. His timing is perfect! Christmas day is about celebrating the birth of Christ. I did not get what I wanted for Christmas, instead I got something much greater. Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

1 comment:

mistihollrah said...

I am so blessed to have a sister like you. You truly have a heart of gold & deserve so much to be a mommy! I love you!