God has layed upon my heart to share what I am learning while dealing with infertility and the road to becomming a mommy. More than anything, He has taught me that I am blessed. A favorite song says: I am blessed, I am blessed From when I rise up in the morning Til I lay my head to rest I feel You near me You sooth me when I'm weary Oh Lord, for all the worst and all the best I am blessed. My hope is that you realize that you are blessed.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I am Blessed!

Well, I have gone and done it! I have created a blog. Why? I have no idea! My sister created one last year and I love visiting it. It is a great way to connect and find out more about the people in our lives.

I chose to title my blog Blessings Overflowed because I am reminded daily that I am blessed! As many of you know, Chad and I have been trying to have a baby for quite some time now. Each month, there is more disappointment and more heartbreak. Yet, I am always reminded that I am blessed.

Our infertility treatments include Clomid, shots of HCG, and insemination. We were very hopeful that our last attempt would be successful, but on Thanksgiving day we found out that we were not. It was the worst possible day to start. The timing was horrible. I could have started a day earlier or a day later and timing would be fine to try on the next cycle. Regardless of the disappointment, I was reminded that I am incredibly blessed. God has taught me so much in the last few years. I am thankful for a God that loves me, that sent His son to die for me, and will fulfill my every need. He is always there for me. My husband can not complete me, my children can not complete me, and a career can not complete me. Only God can!

I hope to blog again before Christmas, but if not....

Merry Christmas and remember you are blessed too!


mistihollrah said...

Welcome to the blogging world! You are blessed! I love you, sis!

Connie said...

Not only are you blessed but you are a blessing to me!! Love, mom.Connie

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

hey girlie - way to go on the blogging world. I admire you so much!!! Your faith is incredible. To get yourself back up, brush off the disappointment, and then prasie Him - you are so much further along than 95% of Christians!! Thank you for blessing me. I can not wait to read more. Come by sometime on my blog and say hey. Everyone loves comments!!! love you, Leigh

Hey did you hear the latest - for one year God has asked to speak for no speaking fee!! Please tell any church you have connections with.

Unknown said...

welcome to blogging..you have a natural bent for writing..keep it up!