God has layed upon my heart to share what I am learning while dealing with infertility and the road to becomming a mommy. More than anything, He has taught me that I am blessed. A favorite song says: I am blessed, I am blessed From when I rise up in the morning Til I lay my head to rest I feel You near me You sooth me when I'm weary Oh Lord, for all the worst and all the best I am blessed. My hope is that you realize that you are blessed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It is well...

It's been a week since I have blogged and I can't believe that the time has gotten away from me. I really wanted to blog more often. Oh well!

We have not heard from anyone regarding the baby in Arizona. Chad and I talked when we first heard about her and we said then, even if this does not work out- we know that God has a baby for us somewhere.

This past Sunday, our preacher was speaking about peace. In fact, the theme is Know Jesus, Know Peace. He spoke about the storms of life and what we needed to have and do to survive them. I won't go into that right now but I want to get you into my mind at that moment. I had just sang the choir number in which I had a solo. The words of the solo are: Carry me, Father God, in your strong eagle wings of love. Through the storms, keep me safe. Through the tears and all my shame, carry me. It really paints a picture. Can't you see yourself wrapped in His arms. I have a memory of my dad carrying me and the feeling as if nothing bad could or would happen to me as long as I was in his arms. It is that way with our Heavenly Father.

During the sermon, I was reminded of something that I had heard three years ago, but I could not really remember exactly the words of the lesson and the Hymn that went with it. I have over the past 6 years been blessed to go to a couple of Women of Faith conferences each year. One year, Jennifer Rothschild was speaking and she really spoke to me. At that time, we were just beginning to start to discover why we were not getting pregnant and I really took what she had to say to heart. She had quite a story to share. Here's the lesson that has stayed with me several years later. Although, I may not be well in my circumstances, because I have faith in God, it is well with my soul. That's it! The hymn is It is well with my soul. To show you what a great God He is, after the invitation, the offertory hymn was It is Well! Wow! My heart jumped! I love it when He speaks to me and affirms my thoughts.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,When sorrows like sea billows roll;Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,It is well, with my soul,It is well, it is well, with my soul.

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