God has layed upon my heart to share what I am learning while dealing with infertility and the road to becomming a mommy. More than anything, He has taught me that I am blessed. A favorite song says: I am blessed, I am blessed From when I rise up in the morning Til I lay my head to rest I feel You near me You sooth me when I'm weary Oh Lord, for all the worst and all the best I am blessed. My hope is that you realize that you are blessed.

Monday, January 7, 2008

We need your prayers!

Good morning! I need to catch you up with what happened last week. I did not blog about it before because I had a feeling that I was not ready to share with everyone. On New Years Eve morning, Chad and I had an appointment with our doctor in Columbia. This was a reevaluation appointment. I have been on Clomid for 8 cycles and was taking the largest dosage I could take with varying results regarding mature follicles (eggs). We have tried insemination (IUI) 6 times. It was time to look further. Our doctor gave us several options. The first is to have a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This test is an X-ray procedure performed to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and to see if the shape of the uterine cavity is normal. This is the next step. We can continue with Clomid and IUI, but this recommend to make sure that we are not wasting our money. The test will cost about $1500 and even after both the doctor's office and I have called, the insurance company has not said whether they will pay any or not. I was at the correct time during my cycle for the test. In fact, I was to have it done on Friday. Chad and I made the decision to wait until the next cycle. We pay everything at the time of service and we wanted to make sure that we could cover it if insurance did not cover it after all.

There were other options discussed. There are other fertility drugs but the HSG is needed to go further and I'm not sure that I want to take shots everyday. We discussed in-vetro fertilization (IVF). This will cost us about $12,000 for one try and since the problem is both Chad and I we only have a chance of about 10% of this working. We had a lot of decisions to make.

On the way home, we decided that it was time to start adoption proceedings. We can continue with the HSG, Clomid, and IUI, but we will begin the long process to adopt. Chad said that he has felt for a while that God wanted us to adopt. I was beginning to wonder too. Chad had a close friend that is a lawyer and adopted his first son. We got a card for an adoption lawyer in KC. I downloaded the application and we started making a list of who we were going to ask to write letters on our behalf.

Now, here is the good part. It was Friday morning, and I was scheduled to have the HSG done that morning but I had cancelled the appointment. My prayer that morning was, "Lord, if adoption is what you want for us then let there be no obstacles and fling open the doors wide."
A couple of hours later, I was at Wal-Mart meeting with other co-workers to buy supplies for work. While I was at the front waiting, my friend Amanda came in. I walked over to say hi and she asked if I had a minute to talk. She said that she had talked to another friend that week (Shelley) and she had told her that her aunt's boss has a niece that had a baby girl 3 weeks old was was planning to give it up for adoption. Wow! Lord you are awesome! Even if this is not the baby you have for us, thank you for your confirmation of your plan for us. We are in the process of finding out about more information about this baby and what we need to do. Please pray for us. Pray for God's will in our lives and that we will recognize His will. That every decision is with our eyes on Him and if things do not work out this time that our hearts and minds realize that this was not our baby but ours is out there.


mistihollrah said...

Oh Shannon! This weekend & mom & talked and got really excited about the possiblity of a new little one in our family! I hope so much that we will be holding a new bundle of joy soon!

Lord, I lift up Shannon & Chad to you & pray that you will bless them with a child. If this child is the child you have in mind for them, let there be no huge obstacles in the way & the will be blessed! Blessings overflowed! Shannon deserves so much to be a mommmy! She will be the best mommy in the world! You will be done! In his precious name-Amen.

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Oh Shannon - I will be praying diligently about this new avenue and adventure!! I pray this is it, but if not the next option will be so clear!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Love, Leigh